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Facts about Vaccines
Vessel-thwarting Antibody Might Help Starve Cancerous Tumors
An antibody might offer a safe and effective complement to anticancer therapies designed to starve malignant tumors by pruning the blood vessels that feed them, researchers report.
Vaccine Against Deadly Infections
While vaccines are a proven, safe and effective way to prevent certain life-threatening diseases, myths abound about vaccinations and the risks that they pose to human health. This is a sobering thought when you consider at least two million children die each year from diseases that are vaccine-preventable.
(In hopes of combating the growing scourge of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, in particular drug-resistant staph bacteria, scientists have designed a new type of vaccine that could one day be used in humans to block the onset of infection.)
Immunization has led to great advances in eradicating common childhood illnesses. Without it, infants and children would still suffer from diseases such as measles, mumps, tetanus, polio and pertussis (whooping cough).
Doctors do not know which the cause of every ear infection is and to find out they should perform a ear tap which can be painful and complicated. So, they prescribe an antibiotic for the most likely cause of the infection, but that antibiotic could be a wrong one. Lately, cephalosporins have proved to be effective in most types of ear infections.
The benefits and minimal risks associated with immunization far outweigh the disease and death that would occur without it.

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