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Neurons and other nervous system
Brain Compensatory Mechanisms Enhance The Recovery From Spinal Cord Injury
Brain compensatory mechanisms contribute to recovery from spinal cord injury. The basis of neurorehabilitation relies on the concept that training recruits remaining intact neuronal systems to compensate for partial injury to the spinal cord or brain.
Imaging Neural Progenitor Cells In The Living Human Brain
For the first time, investigators have identified a way to detect neural progenitor cells, which can develop into neurons and other nervous system cells, in the living human brain using a type of imaging called magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The finding may lead to improved diagnosis and treatment for depression, Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, and a host of other disorders.

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Protein May Play A Role In Severe Asthma
A protein measured in a simple blood test may be a new biomarker to identify patients with the most serious form of asthma. Identifying this new biomarker, YKL-40, brings investigators one step closer to a treatment for the nation's 2.5 million asthmatics with a severe form of the disease that is difficult to treat, the researchers say.
Vitamin B6 also known as ‘’ in breakdown. It can also help decrease asthma and PMS . This can also degrade fat level and is important of hair and skin. Vitamin B6 is normally establish in milk, eggs, fish and meat.
It really does not matter what you need or what you want, because you can be certain that there is a natural health supplement for your needs. If you feel bloated, if your hair is too thin, if your skin is blemished, or if you have asthma, there are certain herbal remedies, also known as natural health supplements, that have been used with success for years and can still be used today.
Naturally secreted HGH is the largest protein created by the Pituitary gland. HGH secretion that is at its peak during adolescence slows down as we age and we produce HGH usually in short bursts during deep sleep. It could also be that we age because HGH secretion slows down!
The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Expert Panel guidelines for the management of asthma recommend that patients who require daily asthma medications have allergy testing for perennial indoor allergens and that, when triggers are found, exposure to allergens and pollutants be controlled through avoidance and abatement.

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Major League Baseball hopes to have a reliable blood test for human growth hormone(Chronicle said)
Human growth hormone, or HGH, is banned as a performance- enhancing substance by MLB's drug-testing policy, but no reliable test exists to nab users. Under the current testing program, urine analysis is the only testing method allowed.
But according to a USA Today report, scientists working with MLB could be close to an HGH blood test, and baseball officials say they would consider implementing it. It can't be done without an agreement with the players union, and that could be stickier than the needles themselves.
Cubs players had mixed reactions about the prospect of baseball taking their blood for drug testing.
(Chicago Sun-Times)

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Chemotherapy And Radiation Together Extend Lung Cancer Patients' Lives
Chemotherapy given at the same time as radiation therapy can help patients with a certain type of lung cancer live nearly 50 percent longer than they might have otherwise if the same treatment was given differently, according to a new article.
Developing Kryptonite For Superbug
University of Idaho researchers are crossing academic and geographical bounds to develop more effective defenses against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and other deadly pathogens. One of the goals of that effort is to create much faster and more accurate identification of strains resistant to the antibiotic methicillin, formally known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.
Thought-reading Computers, Sleep, And Molecular Imaging Advance Stroke Research
Advanced technologies such as molecular imaging, sensory substitution devices, and programs that translate brain signals to a computer monitor are accelerating the pace of stroke research. And even an old-fashioned technique -- a good night's sleep -- helps patients remember new motor skills, according to new studies.

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