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Study Shows
Novel Medication Improves Ovarian Cancer Treatment
A biologic anticancer agent that prevents tumor growth by interfering with the formation of new blood vessels (Bevacizumab) may have the potential to improve the efficacy of standard combination chemotherapy in ovarian cancer.
Genetics Of Coat Color In Dogs May Help Explain Human Stress And Weight
A discovery about the genetics of coat color in dogs could help explain why humans come in different weights and vary in our abilities to cope with stress. The protein that determines coat color in dogs engages the melanocortin pathway, a circuit of molecular interactions that controls the type of melanin and amount of cortisol produced by the body. This pathway determines skin and hair color as well as stress adaptation and weight regulation.
Smoking Increases Risk Of Psoriasis, Study Shows
Another disease can be added to the list of smoking-related disorders -- psoriasis. Researchers have found that smoking increases the risk of developing psoriasis, heavier smoking increases the risk further, and the risk decreases only slowly after quitting.

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