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Secondhand Smoke Increases High School Test Failure, Study Suggests
Teens exposed to secondhand smoke at home are at increased risk of test failure in school, suggests a new study. Taking other known risk factors into account — for example, socioeconomic status, gender, prenatal exposure to smoking and active smoking during adolescence — researchers found that exposure to secondhand smoke at home decreased the odds of passing standardized achievement tests by 30 percent in 16- and 18-year-olds.
Cell Growth Technology Promises More Successful Drug Development
Scientists have developed unique technology to grow stem cells and other tissue in the laboratory in conditions similar to the way they grow in the human body. The technology, developed and patented, is a plastic scaffold which allows cells to be grown in a more realistic three-dimensional form compared to the traditional flat surface of a Petri dish.
Bouncing Breasts Spark New Bra Challenge
Breasts move far more than ordinary bras are designed to cope with, according to a new study. And they also bounce more during exercise -- up to 21cm rather than the maximum 16cm bounce measured in past studies. Bras are designed to stop breasts bouncing but this study shows that breasts also move side to side and in and out. It is estimated that more than 50 percent of women experience breast pain when exercising.

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