"It's time to provide quality affordable health care for every American," Clinton said. "And I intend to be the president who accomplishes that goal finally for our country."
It turns out that older men chasing younger women contributes to human longevity and the survival of the species, according to new findings.
In her plan, Clinton said families would receive tax credits to help pay for coverage. The tax credit would be designed to limit the premiums to a percentage of a family's income.
Human ability to scale the so-called "wall of death"—surviving beyond the reproductive years—has been a center of scientific controversy for more than 50 years.
Americans satisfied with their current coverage will be allowed to keep it, the Clinton campaign said.
To help pay for the plan, Clinton would also eliminate the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 and limit the amount employers can exclude from taxes for health care benefits paid for those making over $250,000.
Economic analysis recently provided has demonstrated China is expected to become the fifth largest drug market in the world by 2010. Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is growing at about 8 to 9 percent annually. Recent increase in oil prices has certain effects on corporate share prices where it make difficult to pharmaceutical companies to in vest in R&D.
(www.cnn.com -Clinton unveils mandatory health care insurance plan)
Labels: care insurance, health, plan, tax credits