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Breath Analysis Offers Potential For Noninvasive Blood Sugar MonitoringIn Diabetes
(www.americanheart.org)Breath-analysis testing may prove to be an effective, noninvasive method for monitoring blood sugar levels in diabetes. By using a chemical analysis method developed for air-pollution testing, chemists and pediatricians have found that children with type-1 diabetes exhale significantly higher concentrations of methyl nitrates when they are hyperglycemic.
Sudden Loss Of T Cells Is Not Trigger For AIDS, New Study Suggests
A sudden loss of T cells -- white blood cells crucial to the immune system -- is not the trigger for the onset of AIDS, according to a new study. The study challenges current thinking regarding AIDS, namely that a sudden, acute loss of T-cells is considered to be sufficient to predict progression to the disease's last stages -- final collapse of the immune system and death.
Controlling For Size May Also Prevent Cancer
Scientists discovered that a chemical chain reaction that controls organ size in animals ranging from insects to humans could mean the difference between normal growth and cancer. The study describes how organs can grow uncontrollably huge and become cancerous when this chain reaction is perturbed.
Discovery Of Widespread Tumor Growth Gene Holds Promise For Effective Anti-cancer Treatment
Scientists have found a widespread mechanism for the stimulation of tumor growth in humans, and that this is leading to the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This research may be key to the identification of signalling molecules that promote or inhibit the formation of metastases.

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